Post by: / April 15, 2016

Overcoming Your Fear of Braces

Braces are important for more than cosmetic reasons: crooked teeth pose serious health concerns by elevating your risk of periodontal disease. At Ortho 360, we want your smile to be healthy and beautiful. If you have a fear of visiting the orthodontist, please consider the following advice to help you prepare for your next orthodontic appointment.

Talk to your orthodontist about your concerns. Dr. Burgess wants your experience to be as comfortable as possible, and she will gladly work with you to address your concerns. Don’t be afraid to speak up if something is weighing on your mind.

Research in advance. Knowing what to expect at your orthodontic appointments will help you prepare mentally and emotionally. Feel free to call Ortho 360 at 512-270-0030 with any questions you may have.

Ask about alternatives to braces. In addition to traditional braces, we offer Invisalign®, a set of custom-fit transparent aligners that can be easily removed for meal times and cleaning. If you feel that traditional braces aren’t for you, ask Dr. Burgess if you qualify for Invisalign®.

If you’re considering braces in Austin, contact Ortho 360 at 512-270-0030. Our comfortable office and friendly staff will help you feel at ease from the very beginning to the very end of your orthodontic journey.